Join us each week for fellowship, fun, and growing in our faith. Students in grades 7-12 gather on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings to study God's Word together and discover how walking with Jesus can bring us true peace and joy in all things!

Youth Sunday School | 10:00-10:45am

New Sunday School study beginning January 2024…


Many of us are or at least feel ill prepared to defend our faith in a moment's notice. However, the Bible calls us to be ready to make that defense (1 Peter 3:15). Over the next few months we will be studying, discussing, critiquing, and preparing to defend our faith against two of the most evangelistic heretical groups, Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses. 

This will in no way be a “bashing” session about these cults. Instead, we will be looking to develop apologetic answers so that we can lovingly reach out to those who are caught up in these false systems. We will prepare ourselves to boldly proclaim to them the truth about the only way to have a right relationship with God.

Youth Group

Our Youth Group meets on Wednesdays at 6:30pm during the school year. This is a great opportunity for teens to build relationships with other students, to connect with leaders/mentors, and to search the Scripture for a deeper understanding of Jesus Christ and God's plan for our lives. We have worship, teaching time, small group discussion, and opportunities for deeper learning.


This year we are going to be studying two important letters that Paul wrote, Galatians and Ephesians. Both of these letters are foundational to understanding that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, and in Christ alone. Not only do they explain how we are made right with God, but both Books are so practical in teaching us how to live the Christian life, because we are now “in Christ”. You will be surprised at how clearly they speak into our culture today. 

Please call the church office (886-1977) or email Pastor Billy ( if you have any questions.

CPYU | Center for Parent and Youth Understanding

Recently I (Pastor Billy) was invited to be a part of a unique cohort of youth leaders with the organization known as the Center For Parent and Youth Understanding (CPYU). This is an organization that specializes in engaging culture from a biblical worldview and helping parents and youth navigate our world. 

I have written two articles so far and will be writing more this year, along with my other cohort members, and they will be beneficial for you to read and talk about with your family.

Stay tuned for more updates!

We end each youth evening with snacks for the students. It’s a fun time to hang out and get to know each other. Parents and others in our church family have been great about baking or purchasing snacks for us - if you’d like to sign up to bring the snack one evening, you can use the button below.